Create schedule policies

  1. From the home page, select Settings, Schedule Policies:

    Go to schedule page

  2. Select Add new:

    Add new schedule policy

  3. From the Add Policy dialogue box, name your policy and select a type:

    • Periodic: A periodic policy runs at fixed intervals defined in minutes and hours.
    • Daily: Runs every day at a specified time. Provide the hours and minutes from midnight to define the time.
    • Weekly: Runs once a week on the specified day and time.
    • Monthly: Runs on a specified day of the month. If the day given is longer than the current month, it will roll over to the next month.
    • Retain: Select the number of backups to retain concurrently
    • Incremental count: Specify the number of incremental backups between two full backups. This applies only to Portworx volumes.

    Add schedule policy dialogue

    NOTE: All schedule policies are executed on the connected application cluster’s local time zone.

Last edited: Friday, Aug 20, 2021